What We Do:

We support our teachers and staff by providing meals and spontaneous acts of kindness throughout the year. We get great speakers to discuss timely topics to support families as they navigate the teen years. We provide assistance to highly mobile Washburn families in the form of winter clothing, boots, gas and food gift cards and much more. We organize the senior party to send the kids off with love and fun. We beautify our grounds so everyone is proud to be on campus. Through all of these cool things we do, we build community, because at the end of the day if our community is strong so are our kids and isn’t that what we are all here for?

Opportunities to Get Involved - Parent Council 2024-25 events:

Teacher Meals - We love our teachers and we love to feed them good meals and treats throughout the year. Visit our Sign Up Genius or contact Maggie Sullivan if you want to help. Your commitment can be as large or as small as you want.

Senior Party - Looking for Senior Parents to help plan the Senior Party! The process and event is a well oiled machine with information (physical documents) and digital files to pass on! Last year's co-chair, Elizabeth will assist and help you get started. Please contact new Parent Council Chairs, Maggie and Katie at, washburnparentcouncil@gmail.com OR Elizabeth Christensen elizabethchristensen@msn.com, if you are interested in becoming the Class of 2025 Senior Party CoChairs!

Grounds Beautification - Cindy Goehring has been our long time Landscaping Chair and we so appreciate everything she’s done! This is her last year and we’d love to see a big turn out for volunteers to show her how appreciative we are for all her work. Earth Day will be a BIG fun event for us so mark your calendars. Please also reach out to washburnteacherscouncil@gmail.com for volunteer opportunities!

Washburn Cares - Washburn Cares is a committee of the Washburn Parent Council that supports the basic needs of Washburn students, particularly those who are homeless, highly mobile, or new immigrants. School social workers, students, parents, and community members work together to provide grocery/gas gift cards, school supplies, toiletries, basic clothing items, winter gear, yearbooks, and emergency support for students in need.

-Mark Your Calendar-

April 15, 2025, 5:30-7:00 PM Parent Council meeting on Teenage Body Image. Come join us as we discuss body image and how we can support our teens as they develop durning this pivotal time in their lives. We’ll be joined by Saleha Erdmann, MSW, LICSW who loves working with teens and families!

May 5-9, 2025 Teacher Appreciation Week! We’ve got lot’s going on so reach out to get involved!

The Washburn Parent Council is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3), devoted to encouraging communication, building community, fundraising and volunteering in order to create a vibrant school community.

Learn more about our organization’s mission, view current ways that you can help on our SignUp Genius page, or send us an email at WashburnParentCouncil@gmail.com
